He'll charm fellow officers with a doughnut, wile away a Sunday with his girlfriend Rita, or chop up a victim and package their body parts in plastic bags. Hiding beneath the mundane exterior and contrived façade of Dexter, a charming blood spatter expert for the Miami Police Department is an obsession with meting his own twisted brand of justice: stalking and murdering the guilty.

2 weeks ago i finished watching Dexter Season 2. And trust me; this is the best series I had ever watched. I’m so addicted to this show, which kept me biting my nails when I thought Dexter was going to get caught, But yes he managed to escape like always. After season 2 was over, I couldn't help googling for Season 3. :D

If I’m to compare Dexter and the some other famous series, definitely Dexter is the best. Secondly Heroes, 3. Terminator SCC 4. Rome, 5. Knight Rider 6. Twenty Four, 7. Lost, 8. Prison Break , 9.Naruto, 10. OC.

Many thnxs to @ly Nashid for introducing me to Dexter!

Dexter Showtime Official Website.

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  1. Jeff Says:

    Dexter certainly rocks out loud! I love how disturbing and conflicted, yet ultimately moral Dexter is. The second season had a tough act to follow, but it stayed strong.