Anyways, I guess I must publicize my old blogger theme for free download. So keep in touch folks.
What do you think of my new blog design? It was actually completed afew days ago but I had to make sure it works fine with the top web browsers; opera, firefox, chrome and internet explorer. Surely still there are afew minor defects (that I hope you won’t recognize).
While the look has been transformed quite a bit, the idea was to keep the elements I liked from the old cobbled together theme while making the whole thing work and not appear so clumsy. That’s the main reason why I used a pre-coded bloggy (thnxs to falconhive).
when will u publicize it for free download? i mean ur old blog template.
dude u got a great template.
i m just new to this blogs and template things
how can i get a nice template like the one you got?>
u might want to checkout my free blogger templates too...
great attention to detail it looks great and it pops out of the page
your blog looks gorgeous, love the background drawings.
great job and awesome theme
where can i download it please reply on my blog...i really like it
heey,, i do really love love love ur template, plz is there any wat to download for free?
- Hadeel